I am trying something new this week, it's called True Story Tuesday hosted by
Rachel and Mr Daddy
Heres what you do...Just post your most wacky, funny or outrageous story, link up
here and make sure to read all the other True Story Tuesday posts!
Bless her heart, she's so confused!
I know that's what people will say about me when I get older, because I already have my moments!
Did you ever do something so dumb, that on top of it being really funny, you were also really embarrassed? The kind of thing you can't quit laughing about, but you secretly wonder if everyone thinks you are really stupid now? My life is full of those moments. I have a bad habit of not thinking about what I am doing. I am always thinking of the next thing I need to do, or what happened yesterday, etc.
I have always been sort of a silly person, so I don't mind making people laugh, even sometimes laughing at myself. Sometimes people think I'm sort of an air head. A co-worker of mine once asked my mother if I was born laughing. She replied "Y'know i think she was." I do love to laugh, and at times I seem to give myself plenty of things to laugh about.
Everyone that knows me, knows I love shopping at the dollar tree. There is just something about walking in there knowing that you can afford anything in the whole store that you want. I remember the delight I took in taking my son there when he was around three and the way his eyes lit up when i said, "Ok, pick out anything you want!"
One day at the dollar tree I perhaps did-or thought the dumbest thing ever!
I was walking past the cosmetics aisle, when i noticed the large nail files. I used to really enjoy getting my nails done, but now am too cheap to do it anymore. I saw some really cute glue on nails with some decorative pattern. I was going for cocktails with my neighbor that night so I thought it might be fun to do my nails and look extra cute.
I got the nails and got in line, when i noticed that the package only had 12 nails in it. I thought ok, even for the dollar tree that's a rip off! How the heck am I supposed to do my nails with 12 nails?? I became angry, I didn't want to spend another dollar and buy another package. I was so angry that I almost complained to a salesperson ( and I never complain to salespersons).
When i got home, still angry about the nail incident I called my friend to vent. How are you supposed to do your nails with only 12 nails?? She was silent for a few seconds and said "Were you going to do your toes too?" I said "No." She said "Well, how many fingers do you have, because 12 should be more than enough." At once I figured out my mistake..I must have turned twenty shades of red as i erupted with laughter and so did she. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, and when i caught my breath, managed to say, "Wow, I guess i thought I had 20 fingers today!" I am soo glad I didn't complain in the store!