Thursday, March 18, 2010

Off to Maryland!

I am off to Maryland tomorrow to visit my best friend. I haven't seen her in about 2 years so I am really excited.

This is a pic of us in our crazier days...ok you got me it was just a few years ago! I'm in the purple, she's in the black. That's my other bff Jennifer in the camo.

She has always been so much fun..I miss hanging out with someone that knows everything about you. I miss being able to be myself.

She has always been able to make uglier faces than me!

Ok maybe not! In any case I know I will have a blast! It will be so good to be around a southern girl again and when I say southern I MEAN southern. She once threw grits on a yankee and proclaimed it to be the second best day of her life!

It is hard leaving Matt and Trey for the weekend but I know I am in for a good time. Please pray that we have a safe trip. Will post new pics soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a wonderful WONDERFUL time! I know how great it is to hang out with someone who really gets you! Have a blast!

    (and would *love* to see your Glamour Shots!)
